(ACN Newswire) - CyGenics Ltd (ASX: CYN) announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Cell Sciences Pte Ltd, has signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Rockeby Biomed (ASX: RBY) for logistics, sales, marketing and master distribution of the Avian (bird) and Human Flu Tests for the Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Philippines and Vietnam markets.
The market segments include hospitals, doctors, specialists, general practitioners and veterinarians. Cell Sciences has already taken shipments of the kits. The Avian Virus Antigen Test is a rapid one step test for qualitative detection of avian influenza virus antigen (H5N1). It is used for veterinary diagnostic for one site testing of bird faeces, as well as clinical screening of bird blood and serum specimens. The test only takes 10 minutes to complete and is sensitive and simple to use. The kit is suitable for storage between about 2 and 30 degrees and has a long shelf life. The Influenza Virus Antigen test is a rapid screening method that measures Influenza A proteins in samples taken from human nose or throat. It is an immunoassay test kit that can also be used for the detection of the H5N1 virus in humans, which can trigger an aggressive and often fatal clinical response. To date, the 100 or so people infected with bird flu have had direct contact with birds and their faeces.
About Cell Sciences
Cell Sciences is a wholly owned subsidiary of CyGenics, a leading stem cell biotechnology company. Cell Sciences designs, manufactures and markets the company's proprietary range of disposable spinner vessels for use in attached and suspension cell culture, based on a patented 3-D growth scaffold. It also drives the sales, marketing and distribution for biomedical products. Cell Sciences markets products targeting an extensive customer base comprising Laboratories (Research, Clinical and Bio-processing), Industry (Bio-pharmaceutical), Specialists and Hospitals in the Asia Pacific. The company focuses on product lines core to the strategic businesses of the Group in the areas of stem cell biotechnology and regenerative medicine, as well as products that add to a more comprehensive offering to the customers we serve.
CyGenics is a cell therapy company focused on the development and commercialisation of adult stem cell-related products, services, applications and technologies.
From its headquarters in Australia, CyGenics operates four subsidiaries:
Singapore-based CordLife (tissue banking services, in particular, cord blood banking) and Cell Sciences (consumable cell culture products), and Cytomatrix (cell therapeutics and technology development) based in Boston, USA, and CytoVations (new product development) based in New Jersey, USA. CyGenics is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, under the symbol CYN. For more information, please visit cygenics.
Rockeby biomed Limited is an ASX-listed (ASX: RBY) biotechnology company engaged primarily in the research, development and marketing of products for the diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections in humans. The company's main market is that of in-vitro diagnostic testing which covers serology tests in hospitals as well as point-of-care products for use by consumers or health professionals operating outside hospitals.
Ian Brown, COO
Ph: +61 (0)3 9642 5580
Mob: +61 (0)438 565 212
Email: ian.browncygenics
Steven Fang, CEO
Mob: +61 (0)400 933 243
Email: steven.fangcygenics
Ronald Hee
Ph: +65 9061 9098
Email: ronald.heecygenics
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